The Bocconi Students Marketing Society's Digital team, composed of driven and creative students, takes a comprehensive approach in managing the association’s social media presence and its website.
The team uses a consistent schedule to provide a deeper understanding of the dynamic realm of marketing through its Instagram account, while balancing two primary objectives: promoting the association’s own initiatives and highlighting relevant marketing events and techniques. We are committed to providing valuable insights into the industry through our posts using a blend of informative marketing content. The Digital team also curates and shares in-depth articles on marketing-related topics, showing our dedication to aid marketing enthusiasts. Recognising the need for a centralized hub to house information about the association’s departments, its articles and keep an up to date record of BSMS’ events, the Digital team successfully crafted a user-friendly website. ​In the past year, we have also started doing this for startups, NGOs, and companies, completing projects with 11 different companies in just the past year.
Digital Department
Different Teams
Within our organization, distinct roles unfold: information dissemination involves sharing pioneering marketing news and strategies on social network, we conduct on Campus interviews, surveys, and engage in diverse interactions, uniting theory and practice; comprehensive articles unravel intricate marketing subjects; exclusive insights emerge through Marketing Experts interviews. Together, these roles create a vibrant community of impassioned marketers.

Digital Platforms
Across the digital landscape, our content finds its home on LinkedIn, Instagram, and our dedicated website.